
Pups 17

Chapter 17


“What the hell did you do to me? Why do I suddenly feel…feel I don’t even know how to describe how i feel

I said

aid in a yell

“You need to calm down and let me explain okay? he didn’t sound like he cared about my feelings, as a matter

of fact, he sounded commanding. Like an authority, that did nothing but add more sparks to my already raged

filled eyes

“Goodness! Why are you so angry?” he asked and I blinked, then it occured to me that my outburst was

unprovoked and uncalled for

I remembered that I had woken up and felt a large amount of pain by the side of my neck. I touched that area

and winced, it was kind of swollen

Picking up

the little mirror that I had placed on the bedside table, I stared at my reflection, but nothing seemed

to be there. Why did I feel pain though?

Then the memories of what had happened previously hit me like a punch in the stomach

Leo and 1 had gone into an argument and then and then what happened‘ That, I couldn’t figure out. I knew I

saw real fangs and they freaked me out, but that was all I could remember. Suddenly i began to feel this

inside of me, I was boiling, like red hot volcano lava boiling. Then I began to feel confused

I was swinging in and of emotions when Leo got in Immediately I set my eyes on him, I began to feel

uncontrollable rage again, and now here we are

“Take a deep breath and sit” He said and I did as instructed

“Can we talk about this tomorrow! it is pretty late now and I have a long day ahead of me” I stared at him

with a flat expression. Seriously!

“In other words I am very exhausted and I don’t have both the mental and physical strength to explain shit


you” With those words, he changed into his pajamas and went off to bed

I sat there, staring at him and lost in my own thoughts. And I got aggravated

This son of a bachelor, Maybe I should just kill him and runaway with my kids‘ An intrusive thought crossed my


“For fuck’s sake Raquel go to sleep and stop thinking of unaliving me cause it can’t and would never happen”

What? How did he know that?

“How did you know that I asked in shock

“I said everything would be explained to you tomorrow. Please allow

me go to sleep” He didn’t sound authoritative, more like he was



12.55 PM c

But that only got me severely y confused I hadn’t said anything. I

wasn’t talking. How could he hear my thoughts?

Maybe it was a thing only Alphas could do My subconscious mind

said and Leo jumped from the bed, staring at me wide eyed

“What the hell I exclaimed

“You know!” He asked, and I creased my brows

“Know What?” I asked back. He had just been full of drama through

out today and it was pissing me off

Wait! Was he listening in on my conversation with myself! That

wasn’t something even Alphas could do, unless it was their marked


So why the hell was… Hold on..WHAT!

it was my turn to stare at him wide eyed

“No! You answ

answer my question first I countered

“Tasked first”

“Do I look like I give a shit?What you did…. I was saying but

got interrupted

“What I did was what I was supposed to do, You’re my mate and

marking you was the only thing i could do to mark my territory

against intruders. It was a necessity but you, you found out about

my real identity and decided to keep it to yourself” He said and 1


“You’re trying to turn it on me! lun’t that being manipulative?

How dare you mark me without my consent, because you want to secure

your territory from intruders – I said the last statement making

bunny ears with my fingers- You do not own me, you can’t mark

territory on me because I have the right to choose who the hell I

want to spend the rest of my life with, and as it stands, it

definitely isn’t you‘ I countered. the pitch of my voice slowly



“You dragged one into your home and forced me to live like your

wife, you took the role of a father but didn’t think it was okay to noveldrama

tell me about your identity, and when I found out from other

sources, you start getting mad. I mean, if there is anyone who

1255 PM ₫

should be mad right now, it is me. I am the only one between the

per of us who has the right to get mad car in the circumstances

that has just unfolded” I continued

“But the fact that you’re a werewolf is not what concerns me right

The least you could have done was tell me what you

doing, we needed to have come into an agreement” This time, my eyes had already become teary

*I have nothing to apologize for get a hold of yourself and don’t

dare let that tear fall out. I agree, I should have told you about

it, but at that mortem i wasn’t thinking straight. I was mad

and..and scared that you would or might go back to Andrew He

opened up. I was filled with mixed emotions. I didn’t know if 1.

should find that cute or annoying

after a few minutes of debating. I decided on finding it annoying

“You and 1. We are NOT TOGETHER I only agreed to live here cause

of my kids and whatever might have almost happened today, was

definitely a mistake. I wasn’t thinking or maybe I was just

overcome by lust. If you had hopes that it counted or something

I stopped talking when I noticed that he was smiling car to car.

That wasn’t the reaction I was hoping to get

“What? Why did you stop?”

“What’s funny

He asked

“Nothing serious, just the fact that you’re bluffing and you don’t

even know it” He answered leisurely

“I am not Bluding” I said curtly

“Yeah whatever. How did you find out about my identity after all?

He asked and I began to avoid eye contact

is wasn’t part of the plan, he wasn’t supposed to find out that I

knew about them. And worst of all, he wasn’t supposed to know that

my parent told me about it

And now that he could read my thoughts, it was very impossible to lie

“What You don’t want to tell me about it?‘

“Does it matter how I found out?” Lasked

“Yes, I need to know who told you about it. He or she needs to be punished for betraying and vialating our

code. Or was it Andrew! Did he tell you about us? What was he getting at Andrew? There’s no way he

knew about thei

12:15 PM ₫

I, not bring.

gable to hide the

“Andres” He knows about werewolves. He knew that you all were real“” Tasked,

thisk in my CVTS

He is my Older brother” He responded with a look that said “obviouslyheknowsaboutus

And What He had the audacity to get mad that I didn’t tell him about the father of my kids!

“You’re just going to take Leo’s word for it? My subconscious mind asked and she was right

For all I know, Leo could be saying that to make me hate Andrew. In order to be sure, I needed to hear from

the horse’s mouth

1 didn’t get the chance to respond as Leo turned sharply towards the door

“Get down” He yelled and the next minute, the door blew up in pieces while gunshots sounded scattering bullets in the air

Oh my! Couldn’t a day go by withour ending in dranu?

I was beneath a table, when I heard the cry of a little child

I knew instantly that it was none other than that of one my babies

“Mommy Daddy? Where are you?” I heard him say again. With an Impulse. I jumped to my fit, and straight

into the middle of the room

I couldn’t even make a step when I fell roughly to the ground. Hining my head. Instantly, I fell out of

consciousness. But before then, the shooting stopped.

“Raquel” I heard Leo scream, and the next minute, I was in the air, someone picked me up


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